3.5 C
sâmbătă, ianuarie 18, 2025
3.5 C
sâmbătă, ianuarie 18, 2025

Gold FM 96,9

AcasăEditoriale"Waiting for Donald Trump"! If the American delegation led by Kennedy JR...
Data publicării: decembrie 8, 2024 13:48

“Waiting for Donald Trump”! If the American delegation led by Kennedy JR had arrived in Bucharest on Thursday, we would have had elections today and Călin Georgescu would have become president.

Data publicării: decembrie 8, 2024 13:48


Author: Cozmin Gusa

Last night I wrote down the following thought on Facebook, as a short, stage conclusion: “Tomorrow we don’t have elections, but we have a confirmation (that Romania = SECURISTAN), a relief (that someone like Lasconi doesn’t become president), respectively a verdict (that “the Romanian pot is not boiling”). From Monday, we’ll have a full discussion on GOLD FM, still with Romania on the shirt! ✌️🇷🇴”

This thought is a summary of the explanation I gave yesterday to a group of nuns at our monastery in Cornu, a place I visit daily, but yesterday the nuns were worried about what is happening in the country and, waiting for me with an elderberry tea, asked me to explain why exactly the Romanian Constitutional Court annulled the elections and what awaits us now. As I was leaving, one of the nuns expressed a conclusion that many Romanians have come to, namely that our hope lies in Donald Trump, who will stand on the side of justice once he comes to power in the US. I smiled and left.

Yesterday afternoon Trump arrived in Paris, where he was awaited and welcomed like the Messiah, and along with Macron, Meloni, Zelenskiy, etc., attended the lavish reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral. This is Trump’s first foreign visit since being re-elected president, and the fact that he scheduled it in France says enough about how he will approach the political-diplomatic relationship with Europe.

Last Thursday a delegation of future leaders of the American administration, already publicly designated by Trump, should have arrived in Bucharest, along with Robert Kennedy JR, the future directors of the FBI and CIA, and even Tucker Carlson, I know these details well because I was in direct contact with the organizers of the visit, occasioned by the launch of the Romanian edition of Kennedy’s book, with a preface written by Călin Georgescu. While it is not the time now, I will at some point present the involvement in cancelling the visit of some people close to our secret services, they are approximately the same people who were also involved in my public denigration after I received Donald Trump’s letter of support in the summer, when I was still a presidential candidate. Those who blocked the visit of the American delegation were well aware that Georgescu’s presence alongside the future leaders of the Trump administration, in addition to having a major electoral effect, would have also acted as an insurance measure to ensure that the Romanian authorities, including the judges of the Constitutional Court, would no longer dare to break the law.

Observe the major effects of Trump JR’s message or even Elon Musk’s exclamation (“What the f*ck!”), oriented against the illegality imposed by the CCR, and you’ll agree with me! You can be convinced that the two, who are in the closest proximity to Trump, know with precision that there is no Russian interference in the electoral process in Romania, that it is just a manipulation behind which the Iohannis regime is hiding the illegality committed.

So, if the Americans had come on Thursday, the CCR would clearly not have met on Friday, and today we would have gone to the polls and tomorrow we would have Călin Georgescu as President of Romania, he would have won at least with the score I predicted the day after the first round, namely 70% to 30%.

Today, the Romanian state security institutions are on alert, they are afraid of massive protests by Romanians, which they have been careful to stifle since yesterday, through the wave of raids by prosecutors and police officers, or through the calls, including to some sovereignist leaders or to the controlled press, not to take to the streets, because rights must be regained only in the courts. In the Romanian Constitutional Court, which is dominated and tightly controlled by blackmail files?! Come on! In 2009, the day after Băsescu-Coldea had rigged the elections in which Geoană should have won, the arguments of the traitors Iliescu, Năstase, Hrebenciuc and Dragnea, in the small meeting in which I took part, were identical. I argued then with Iliescu (Geoană can confirm), and I reminded him that in 2000, Bush JR could not be elected president of the USA until after his supporters (about 50,000) had surrounded the Florida Court of Justice and did not leave until after the judges had given the right decision against the Clinton regime, the incumbent president, who wanted to impose his favorite successor, Al Gore. The lesson taught by the Americans then was that democracy defends itself in the streets when necessary. Sadly, we only take bad examples from the Americans, otherwise we would have seen how they could now elect Trump, taking their country back, just by a massive pro Trump and anti Kamala street presence.

“Waiting for Donald Trump”, this is therefore the motto under which the power game in Romania will continue to be played out, which for the time being is seriously mired, with huge negative consequences, which I will explain in turn in the coming period. Today in Romania we should be celebrating Constitution Day, but we can light a candle, because it is clear that it has ‘passed away’ …


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