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miercuri, februarie 12, 2025
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miercuri, februarie 12, 2025

Gold FM 96,9

AcasăEditorialeAndrei Gusa: There is a reasonable doubt of fraud in the elections...
Data publicării: octombrie 21, 2024 17:25

Andrei Gusa: There is a reasonable doubt of fraud in the elections in the Republic of Moldova!

Data publicării: octombrie 21, 2024 17:25


The Republic of Moldova can take a pro-European path, but only after a possibly defrauded plebiscite. I will not comment on the Russian or Sorosist influences that are exercised in the Republic of Moldova obviously and openly. Instead, there are three conclusions after the vote in the Republic of Moldova last night.

First of all, propaganda shows its limits. For those who do not know, in the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu and her team of sorosists are exercising a frenzied propaganda and they are censoring those who do not follow the official narrative (televisions and resistance sites which are against Maia Sandu are closed from day to day). Vainly. The Moldovan population did not allow itself to be manipulated by propaganda and the citizens continued on the path they thought was appropriate, fact which was visible in the voting process.

Secondly, in 2024 we are basically witnessing the end of the illusion of democracy. In the United States, Europe, Romania and Moldova it is becoming increasingly clear that votes can be stolen and that foreign influences, at least in our country, are already exercised openly. Candidates are shamelessly eliminated and we become part of this generalized oligarchy (because we can no longer talk about democracy) precisely through the vote we exercise, by which we validate the winners of the elections.

Thirdly, perhaps even worse is the fact that, whether we want to or not, whether there is Russian propaganda or not (and it obviously exists), it is clear that countries such as Moldova, but also all the BRICS countries, see Europe as a bunch of LGBT people. Be convinced that the pro-LGBT propaganda in the European Union influenced the decision of the Moldovans who voted against the referendum.

@andreigusa_♬ sunet original – Andrei Gușă


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